Similar to speech therapy and physical therapy, Vision Therapy is therapy for the eyes. It is an evidence-based program to effectively improve visual performance. We work with children and adults who have vision problems that interfere with their ability to read, learn, comprehend and even pay attention. This therapy is designed to treat vision problems that cannot be treated solely by vision correction, such as glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.
Vision Therapy is a series of supervised activities that are designed to give the patient immediate feedback when they are using their eyes correctly. The doctor or vision therapist work one-on-one with the patient to teach them how to use their eyes together correctly. The program involves a combination of in-office therapy (typically 1 hour per week) as well as activities that the patient does at home for 10-20 minutes per day (with a parent’s help, in the case of a child).
1. What type of vision problems can be treated with Vision Therapy?
2. Is Optometric Vision Therapy covered by insurance?
Optometric Vision Therapy is sometimes partially covered by medical insurance depending on the plan. We do verify your benefits and bill to your medical insurance if some coverage is available. Vision Plans do not cover optometric vision therapy. Prior to entering into an optometric vision therapy plan, we will go over details regarding your insurance coverage and any out-of-pocket expenses that you would be responsible for.
Prior to beginning Vision Therapy, additional testing must be done in the form of a BVD Evaluation and Vision Perception testing. See the section on BVD Evaluation for more information.