Binocular Vision Evaluations

BVD Evaluations (Binocular Vision Dysfunction), VIP Evaluations (Visual Information Processing), and Neuro-Optometric Evaluations

20/20 vision is only ONE of over 17 important visual skills required to function efficiently to perform well in school, sports, business and life. All of these visual skills and more will be assessed in a BVD evaluation, including eye tracking, reading fluency, focusing and depth perception. While we conduct comprehensive eye exams, these exams only scratch the surface of the amount of testing at our disposal in regard to binocular vision dysfunction. The testing done during a routine eye exam may indicate the need for in-depth testing of visual information processing ability. This evaluation will involve a battery of tests that assess visual perception. The results are scored at age and grade equivalents, which identify the patient’s strengths and weaknesses in visual processing abilities. This evaluation is important for accurate diagnosis and effective therapeutic strategies.

Prior to the BVD Evaluation, a very detailed questionnaire must be completed by the patient or parent, if the patient is a child. This questionnaire must be submitted at least 2 days before the first part of the evaluation in order for Dr. Shaw to review it.

A BVD Evaluation is scheduled for one of two reasons:

  • Dr. Shaw identifies the need for further testing during your signature eye exam (ie. tests done during a routine eye exam reveal that there may be a problem with the patient’s binocular vision)

  • Referral from another eye care professional or health care provider for a patient who has had a routine eye exam in the past 6 months.

A VIP Evaluation is scheduled if Dr. Shaw determines further perceptual testing is required to properly assess the visual system and develop a successful treatment plan.
Following the evaluation(s), a comprehensive report will be prepared and a parent conference is scheduled to review the results and the treatment options recommended.

See the section on Vision Therapy for more information.